OEx was established in 2011 to develop new architectural and energy consultancy services, and to carry out research in the area of low/zero carbon architecture.

Alastair Binnie, the manging director, is a pioneer in the technology and design of energy efficient and environmentally friendly buildings. Since 1992, he has only undertaken projects that have incorporated the maximum practical use of sustainable design principles. The assessment and management of the energy consumption and emisssions of any project has been integrated into the architectural process.

The practice has evolved its own, highly accurate, building energy and emissions calculation methodology, to guide low energy building design, for both new building and refurbishment projects.

We provide clients with invaluable expertise in the design and construction of beautiful, sustainable buildings.

  • OEx is about making an 80% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions in the built environment by 2050.
  • We combine the disciplines of architecture, urban design, building physics and project management.
  • Good design is at the heart of everything we do.
  • We have an on-going programme of research.